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How to set up WhatsApp templates
How to set up WhatsApp templates
James Bradbury avatar
Written by James Bradbury
Updated over a week ago

You must first create a WhatsApp for Business Account before you can complete this step. Please refer to the following guide to create your WhatsApp Business Account (WABA). INSERT LINK

Once the above steps are complete, you can set up WhatsApp templates by locating the Templates drop down on the left-hand menu of your Interact account. Click the arrow to show all options and select WhatsApp.

Select, Create template and choose the template category you wish to set up (marketing, utility, authentication).

What you create within these steps will show in the Message preview box on the right-hand side of the page.

Template creation steps:

  • Provide your template with a name

  • Please note your WABA ID will pre-populate for you.

  • Insert a Header. This can be Text or Media at the top of your message (this is optional).

  • Insert your template message content with the Body box.

  • Insert a footer. This content will show at the bottom of your message and does not count towards your message body character count. (this is optional).

  • Insert Buttons. These buttons appear at the very bottom of your message and do not use any characters from your message character count.

    • Custom – Use this button as a quick reply feature for the recipient. As an example, a ‘’Get more info’’ button would be used to request further information.

    • Visit website – Include a website URL behind this button to direct to a website instead of including lengthy URL in the message body.

    • Call phone number – A button to initiate a call to the inserted number.

    • Copy offer code – Include a promotional code that is easily copied by simply tapping the icon.

Select Submit to send your template for approval.

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